Saturday, October 04, 2003

And next up on Open Mike Night, here's little Billy with a story:

"A group of students walked into their final exam for their Philosophy class. They were advanced students, and were fairly confident that they knew everything that could possibly be on the test, despite having been given no instructions on what to study.

The students sat down and turned over the test papers which were lying face down on their desks.

There was only one question written on the test.


The students were stunned. They snuck glances at each other to see if everyone else was as confused as they were. Slowly, slowly, they all began to write down anything and everything that had been discussed in the class.

Their time was almost up, and the tension was palpable. Students were still scribbling frantically. But there was one desk that sat empty, paper still hidden.

The time was almost up. But with only a few minutes left, a scruffy-looking kid swaggered into the room. He was chewing gum noisily. He walked over to the clock and peered up at it. Seemingly unperturbed, he sauntered over to his desk. He didn't even sit down. He picked up the paper and read the question. He brought the paper to the Professor''s desk, grabbed a pencil from it, slammed the test down, and scribbled, "Why not?"

He was the only one in the class that got an "A."

Thanks for the story, Little Billy. Now while all of you try to figure out exactly what the hell that story was supposed to mean, let's see who's up next!"

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