Pants down...go!
I have rid myself of the rating system. I've decided that it is better to write and think oneself mediocre than to set up a rating system and remove all doubt.
Also, I couldn't get it to rate the way I wanted it; in caterponies. I invented them, see, and they are just like real ponies except they grow an extra pair of legs every 5 years, reminiscent of the mighty saguaro cactus. The walking kind.
The caterpony also has a tool attachment for a lower jaw. One has a jackhammer, another a bulldozer blade, one has a off-shore oil-rig drill. There is also the little one-legged caterpony whose attachment is a moist towelette. He doesn't have many friends, unless you count the ones at the rib house, which I don't.
There is also an evil group of Caterponies, the Caterpunks. The leader is a really dumb caterpony but his attachment is Dick Cheney. Quite a tool.
I am reading The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson. It's as if Philip K. Dick were guiding Dante down into hell, except Dante is a 19th century champion cagefighter raised as a gentleman in Victorian England.
Toot sweet.
I'm worried that given my extremely impressionable mind, I may take to wandering the night looking for my own lost love. Lost isn't the right word; I know where exactly where she is. She's approximately two lifetimes away. I only have the one, see, and I'll never find her in the dark unless she calls out for me. I strain my ears listening but the only sound is the wind playing in the dark.
Eh, yes, well. I saw the Incredible Hulk. It was good. At the end of the movie one of the characters is drinking a green drink, some kind of shot. It nagged at me but I soon forgot it.
Yesterday, at the bank, the teller next to me was speaking with a girl about her bartending school. She said she knew a delicious drink called an Incredible Hulk. I turned, a little too quickly, and said "He drinks one in the movie."
The teller was male and knew exactly what I was talking about. The girl...I don't remember if she did anything. We chatted a bit about the film and then I scampered off.
I found the whole experience enlightening. This girl had been walking around with The Answer, and I had been walking around with The Question but neither of us knew it. I suspect she still doesn't know it.
That's why we need each other, I think. Some of us have the questions and some of us have the answers, but very few of us can recognize what we have. Perhaps it is like sticking your nose against the side of an elephant. Too close to something and you can't tell what it is until it smacks you with a log.
Have a good Pants-Down Friday. Watch out for elephants.