Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Spider-Man |
| 80% | The Flash |
| 75% | Green Lantern |
| 75% | Superman |
| 70% | Catwoman |
| 65% | Robin |
| 62% | Wonder Woman |
| 62% | Supergirl |
| 62% | Iron Man |
| 60% | Batman |
| 50% | Hulk |
| 35% |
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Also you have too many ferrets and a hydrogen tattoo.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...It's uncanny!
That could be my superhero theme: the mighty ferret. I kinda am like a ferret. Given the chance, I will sleep sixteen hours a day and hop around chittering accomplishing absolutely nothing for the remaining eight.
Ben Bova spoke at ASU today. It was at the little writing house we have on campus, a quaint little two story cottage nestled among some trees in one of the campus's larger patches of grass. I was shocked at the number of attendees; perhaps fifteen people. I sat on a big comfy couch directly across from Dr. Bova and munching on an assortment of (free!) snacks.
I think he thinks I don't believe in global warming because I made a disgusted face when he talked about it but that was because I had eaten a grape that had gotten hummus on it.
It was an excellent experience. I think I asked him at least 6 questions (redeeming myself, I hope, after the grape incident.)
After that, I went to the store to pick up a wireless keyboard and donated money again, this time to National Public Radio. As Eek the Cat would say: "It never hurts to help."
Today was a good day.