Saturday, August 31, 2024

Happy Anniversary Remembrance Day, Blog

I forget how far back this goes. Has it been twenty years? Maybe. I'm...too lazy to look it up right now. 

Okay I'm lazy but also curious. February 22nd, 2003 was my first post. So... The blog is 21. Hmm. I guess I do feel a little old now. You couldn't just post a picture! I would have to upload it to a web hosting service, then tinker with the HTML to display the image from that link. 

I don't remember how to do that anymore. Now I just hit the little button that means "picture" and it yoinks it from my phone and sticks it in the post. I'm certain it's doing essentially the same thing as before, but it feels less futuristic somehow. 

Perhaps if I were better about anniversaries I would have thought to say something profound. Perhaps if I were better at life I would have kept a list of profound things to say at anniversaries. They happen all the time, after all. 

I should sleep.

I'm going to sleep. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It's 85 degrees outside, Fahrenheit. I shiver and grab an extra blanket. I get a minus 5 to my constitution stat when the temperature drops below 90. 

Wait does constitution even work that way? It's been so long. 

Dungeons & Dragons is fifty years old. I should know this by now. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Watching stylized Westerns and 19th Century Arctic expeditions. The century nomenclature has always bothered me, although it does make sense if you were there from the very beginning. 

The Franklin Expedition departed England in the year 1845... Which is in the 19th Century. 

I hate it. 

I'll probably never see the Northwest Passage in person. I'm okay with that. The Artic tundra is not my domain. 

I dwell in deserts, in the dust and the heat and the carrion birds circling over head as I pretend to lie dead; only to spring to my feet when they finally land, and laugh and laugh and laugh. 
Arms slender and strong 
Bamboo shoots 
Burst up at acute angles 
They are social but like to clump 

Soon they'll be big enough to shade themselves from the brutal desert sun
Until then I'll fly shade sails 
To buy them time

There is only one left
Out of the seven

Monday, August 26, 2024

A package arrived in the mail today. It was a chrome license plate frame. In black lettering it says "For Hire: Jaded Noir Detective".

That's kind of a long walk for that small of a joke, I thought, as I was attaching it to my car. 

I don't think I'm jaded. Not yet. It's pretty close but there's still some heart left. 

Now to slap some narwhal bumper stickers on there and my work will be done.