Okay I'm lazy but also curious. February 22nd, 2003 was my first post. So... The blog is 21. Hmm. I guess I do feel a little old now. You couldn't just post a picture! I would have to upload it to a web hosting service, then tinker with the HTML to display the image from that link.
I don't remember how to do that anymore. Now I just hit the little button that means "picture" and it yoinks it from my phone and sticks it in the post. I'm certain it's doing essentially the same thing as before, but it feels less futuristic somehow.
Perhaps if I were better about anniversaries I would have thought to say something profound. Perhaps if I were better at life I would have kept a list of profound things to say at anniversaries. They happen all the time, after all.
I should sleep.
I'm going to sleep.