My dreams, like yours, are strange.
Last night in my mind I found myself sitting with a large group of students. Rectangular, gray tables were pushed together to make rows and I was right at the front. At attractive woman wearing a gray suit/skirt thing with a white shirt paced slowly in front of the class. She instructed everyone to take out their books and begin working on their assignments. She nibbled on the end of her glasses and resumed her sauntering.
Much like real life, I had no book, and certainly hadn't brought my own assignment. I sat quietly. Mostly.
A girl next to me jerked up in her seat. She had short dark hair, delicate features, and pale skin. Her eyes were open wide and she stared straight ahead. She spoke. "I have become one with the universe. Transcending time, space, and identity. I see with the eyes of all things."
Since I had nothing else to do, I assumed she was talking to me. "I hate that shit." I tried to sound good-natured. "Everything gets all jumbled and even more confusing. After all, if I'm not my perspective, then what am I?"
The woman at the front spoke up. "I'd like to remind you that Sphmds [I don't remember his name] will not be able to help you with this assignment as he is working on his doctorate." I twisted around in my seat in time to see a unshaven man sitting with black tousled hair sitting, pencil in hand, in a row behind everyone else. The man shrugged and smiled weakly.
"Hey!" I called, "That's what I tell people, too."