I don't quite know how to say this.
I'm going away.
Off to distant lands unknown, for an unknown period of time.
By that I mean I'm going to Alabama to climb mountains with Sibbitt. I should be back on Tuesday.
I stress the "should be."
I feel ready to go. I have my traveling cloak. I have my traveling notebook. I'm still looking for my traveling hat, but I'm sure it will turn up.
So I guess this is goodbye, Blog, for now.
But it will be a good experience. You can not write about being hungry until you have felt hunger. You can not write about being cold until you have felt cold.
You cannot write about being chased through the streets of Birmingham by a bunch of rednecks in a pick-up truck because you kissed their sister, Gummy Sue, until...well, it's a good thing I have no desire to write about such things. None whatsoever.
I'm excited.
A little nervous, but not too nervous.
What could possibly go wrong?