Sunday, August 18, 2024

Favorite Genre

I've been watching Pluto on Netflix. It's got an android detective investigating the assassinations of other robots. 

The other robots are mostly humanoid, although their forms vary by function and quality. Some look entirely human, and others look like enlarged versions of kid's toys. 

It's one of my personal favorite things in sci-fi, when there is a spectrum of technology. Just like how when I drive to the grocery store, I might see a futurist-looking electric car right next to a rusted-out truck, belching black smoke from its exhaust.

Technology creates inequality. It's inherent. 

Humans are pretty amazing. Then we create these tools to make our lives easier. And we use them to make each other's lives harder. 

The world is this way because we believe it has to be. 

What if we're wrong?

Now, to go drink robot whiskey and smoke robot cigarettes. And walk in the robot rain. 

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