Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Reminder to change Your air Filters

That's it. Remember to change them. Everywhere you find them. Air conditioning units. Cabin air filters in your car. Ummm...HEPA.... filters. 

I failed to change mine in a timely fashion and there's ice buildup on the evaporator coil. Hopefully it was just the dirty air filter slowing airflow enough to cause it to freeze up. Because that's cheap and easy to fix; just turn it off and wait. (Yes, I'm running the fan to run uncooled air through the system to speed up the process, but doing nothing works, too.)

This happened back when we first bought the house. We had purchased these ultra super biofllter air filters that worked by blocking all particles, including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide...basically all gases.

So now it's eighty-three degrees Fahrenheit, which is certainly not cold. I feel okay though. Getting ready to go to sleep right now. I'll set an alarm and try the AC in a few hours. 

I'm in my underwear, as usual, and a single piece of body armor that covers my one weak spot... But I'm not going to say where that is. 

A smarter man would probably not even have mentioned they have a weak spot. 

Well good for them. The rest of us do what we can with what we have. Like multiple obvious weak spots. 

*I don't know why I capitalized certain words in the title of the post. Sometimes if I've used a word to start a sentence before, it pops up in my autofill capitalized. 

Or it could have some deep hidden meaning that I myself am barely cognizant of. 

Probably not. It's usually pretty obvious when I'm trying to be subtle. 

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