Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Pillow talk

I'm tired but this is becoming something of a habit. There's an instinct, or rather, a compulsion, to be eloquent, profound, to peel away the skin of the world and examine the capillaries and bones. 

To sound smart, basically. 

Fortunately, I noticed that compulsion creeping up on me as I lay here on my bed, and I'm currently smothering it under my pregnancy pillow. 

Okay it's not a pregnancy pillow, but I have spent probably too much time online shopping for them. 

I like to sleep on my stomach, but kind of at an upward sloping angle. It's not a normal way for humans to sleep, it seems. 

I've got two long pillows that I arrange into an upside-down "V" and my head is lying on the point where they meet, and then I'm sort of hugging the arms. 

There are pregnancy pillows that have belly cutouts for the gravid, and might work, but I'm not currently obese so it might be too much at the moment. 

I was just thinking it might be nice to sleep in zero gravity, except I think I remember hearing that trying to sleep in zero gravity is terrible. Like you never feel like you're actually lying down, and your limbs float around so your hand might whack you in the face. You have to swaddle yourself up. 

Which would be a nightmare for me because I sprawl out like the chalk outline of a murder victim. 

I'd hate to be the guy that has to draw the chalk outlines for space murders. That would be a real nightmare. 

But I'm sure like most things, it gets easierwith practice. 

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