Monday, June 07, 2021

Am I getting sick? Temperature is normal. Hard to tell with all my various allergies. Sometimes I'll get a sore throat and nothing else. Then it goes away by the end of the day.

I ended up not buying that fez I wanted. I got it for my friend as a birthday present. It's coming up next month. I hope it arrives in time.

Dang it, I forgot to pull the weeds in the front yard. I did trim the grass away from the bamboo. Quit competing with my giant bamboo, tiny grass! You are not wanted here.

My nephews got their second dose of the Covid vaccine. In two weeks, we will hit up our favorite buffet. 

Every good thing.

Must do their driving lessons also. 

If I wasn't sick, I definitely felt off this weekend. Sleep? Not enough water? What is it? What's down there, burrowing in my soul? Melancholy mole, sand shrew of suffering? Gopher of gout?

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