Tuesday, June 08, 2021

No sore throat today. And yet I remain suspicious. 

Is there much to do today? I think there is. Stop by the pharmacy. Dust. I can type with my head down not even looking at the screen. Will that change anything? More errors probably. Or maybe fewer? When someone is watching you type, you make more mistakes. Therefore, when no one is watching you type, not even yourself, you will become more accurate than ever. Amazing. I've solved it. I am genius boy with brain that is good. Time for pie.

I'm much happier when I'm not trying to fix anything. Not everything needs to be optimized. There is a freedom in accepting that . It will take some adjustment. Like not putting two spaces after a period. See you in hell, old-school typing rules.

Oh, one of my medications couldn't be filled because the doctor put the wrong year, 2020 instead of 2021. Thus, my refill is coming a little later than expected. I wonder how this will change me. If it will change me. But I wonder that about everything. 

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