Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Things I've learned today:

-Drinking water is more effective at relieving cough than over-the-counter children's cough medicines. The benefits of those cough syrups are almost entirely psychological. Now I'm skeptical about all the other cough syrups. Then again, many do contain alcohol. That isn't psychological, is it?

-It's okay to sexually harrass your employees as long as you harrass both males and females. In Brandon v. Nestle USA, Inc., a supervisor was found to be an equal-opportunity harraser. The harrasment was sexual in nature, but because it was not based on gender it did not violate Title VII.

Now that I've armed you with this knowledge, go all ye, and harrass without fear.

-Homework is not that bad. At least, writing homework isn't.

-English professors are a little nuts. Is there some correllation here? Does holding a pen for extended periods of time cause unusual brain activity?

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