Tuesday, July 06, 2021

I feel really stupid. Over the weekend, I asked my nephews to bring their dog, Stark, over to play with the puppies. She gets along with the puppies just fine, but our older dog, Marceline, is kind of a jerk. They've been in the same house for hours at a time before, but of course when dogs are seeing each other after a time apart, they are in a high-energy state and it's the most likely time for something to go wrong. 

I feel stupid because I was on Twitch talking to some new people who were really funny and we were just cracking each other up. I told my nephews to just let the dogs run it out in the backyard (and I put a cone on Marceline because dogs don't feel tough when they're wearing the cone of shame.) But I didn't monitor them. Marceline ended up biting Stark on the front leg, pretty significantly. Stark didn't hurt Marceline, which is kind of surprising because Marcie is about 40 pounds and Stark is almost twice that, at 75 pounds. Stark was just running around playing like normal with her leg bleeding. I felt anger at myself, and shame that I put playing with online people I don't even know over monitoring the interaction of the dogs. Compounding of mistakes. If I was smart and lazy, I could have just put Marceline in the bedroom and let Stark play with the puppies for a bit and avoided having any introduction issues.

My sister took Stark to the vet and they gave her a few stitches. Said she'll be fine. 

In a way, I feel like a parent who wants all their kids to get along. Be one big happy family. But what I want has no bearing on what is. Now that Marceline has bit Stark hard enough to need stitches, it's more likely that the next interaction will be a negative one because of this experience.  Marceline is willing to bite hard enough to break skin, and if Stark feels like enough is enough, she could easily mop the floor with Marceline. 

Maybe I can get a giant hamster ball and put Marceline in that, or I guess a muzzle if I want to be practical about it.  Dang dogs. Dang me. 

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