Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Last Sunday, Kelly and I saw Little Shop of Horrors at Gammage Auditorium. I had never really seen the stage show before although I was part of our high school's production. I had no singing aspirations at the time so I had auditioned for the puppeteer of the largest version of the man-eating plant.

So last Sunday was the first time I saw the entire show while not crouched in a giant, hot, heavy, green, foam-and-rubber plant puppet.

It was almost as good.

I had a great time at the show. The experience left me with the feeling of seeing your best friend from elementary school after many years. Not exactly a sense of loss, but a quiet pride that they turned out so well and you were once a part of that.

I don't know. Theatre still brings that sense of nostalgia for me. Which is accurate, since I feel a sort of wistful longing for a time and place where everything was just so and I don't see how I can get back there from where I am now.

Not without a terrible haircut, glasses, and a complete disregard for fashion sense, anyway.

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