Sunday, November 14, 2004

I am weary.

I have been poring over the HTML for this blasted template and I have yet to figure out how to change anything for the better. Worst than my HTML ineptitude is my discovery that the copy of my old template is not complete. It's very strange; none of the links copied.

Everything else around the links seems to have copied. Just not the actual links.

For the first time I feel truly alone.

I feel lost. I don't know where anyone is anymore. Well, not everyone.

It reminds me of life before and after getting a cell phone. I knew all my closest friends phone numbers by heart before I got a cell phone. Now, I don't know the phone numbers of most of my close friends. I have become so dependent on my little electronic phonebook that I am almost completely helpless without it.

It appears the same is true of my links.

So if you're site is wondering where I've been, tell it that I'm wandering around lost somewhere searching for it. I'm sure I'll come across it in time. How vast can the internets possibly be?

But that wasn't what I sat down to write about.

I'm rebuilding my writing area. It is almost complete. This is something of a test run.

I am not entirely well.

I am physically and mentally out of shape. I can feel it. Even now I'm already winded. It hurts to go on and I want just lie down. It seems that's all I've been wanting to do with my spare time as of late. But I've accounted for that.

I've never been much good at resisting temptation. However, I am fairly good when temptation isn't around so my only hope is to avoid it. Therefore, I have modified my existing futon/bunk bed into a loft bed. I've essentially removed the futon bottom, raised the whole thing, added supports where I could, and stuck my writing desk underneath.

Now it is squeaky, uncomfortable, and remarkably unstable.

I love it.

The once-simple act of taking a nap now involves climbing a ladder and trying to avoid getting hit in the face by a ceiling fan. And, as I've discovered, there is a learning curve.

I'll have to put off posting any new pictures until this giant welt goes away. ("It's not so much here, or here, as riiiight here.")

Having said that, I'm off to try again.

Anyone that still comes here, please send me your link. Don't make me come after you.


  1. Welcome back, we missed you.


  2. i didn't know not having your links around you could make even the great gurg sound low... we're here, we're here...

  3. Hey Cornholio, here. I've actually been making semi-regular updates over the past few weeks, so we'll see if I can keep it up.

  4. You can find a copy of your your template at
    Here's the old template, for instance:
    Those probably aren't your updated links, but I think the archive can get you more recent ones, before the template went kaput.
    To recover your old template in .txt format, just right-click with the mouse in the center (or somewhere else) of the page. Proceed to then click "view source". (This works if you're using Internet Explorer. I imagine for Netscape and Mozilla it would work similarly.)
    A Notepad window should pop up. You can then proceed to press "save" and do a happy dance or sing amorously to your computer, if you're not feeling down.
    I should probably also mention that can be temperamental, so if you type in the url of your blog and it claims that it can't find it, take their suggestion suggestion that follows. Typically, it should say "click here to search for all pages on".
    Lastly, here's my link that you asked for:

  5. hey guillermo,

    my link is



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