Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Excerpts from Matt Summerfield and Guillermo Lopez watching "The Core" last night, a movie about tunneling to the center of the Earth to save the world.

Guy in movie: You can't go outside now, it's over 9,000 degrees out there!

Some other guy in movie: What about our protective suits?

Guy in movie: The suits can only handle half that!

Matt: You know, they should just put on two suits.

Guillermo: Yeah! That's exactly what I was thinking! [Matt and Guillermo high-five.]

Matt: Hey, we better start cooking that pizza now. It's gonna take like twenty minutes.

Guillermo: Dude! Let's just cook it at twice the heat so it'll only take ten minutes!

Matt: Dude! [Matt and Guillermo high-five again.]

Moral of the story: Guns don't kill people. Mixed drinks and bad movies kill people.

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