Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Never too late

I'm up too late. Today I was stressed. Work was very busy and I may have not had all my wits about me. When it's dark and everything is quiet and the AC kicks on to 76 degrees Fahrenheit (my preferred sleeping temperature) I like to putter around this admittedly not-very-large house and tinker. 

Or just think about tinkering. Looking at my bookshelves and mentally culling them because it's easier than boxing them up and donating them. 

Oh I'm taking Ender to work tomorrow morning and they have one of those free library things. I could drop some books in there. A little Batman, a little Catch-22, maybe some Dante. 

Because I have multiple copies of those. I don't know why. 

So I'll rest now, finally. 

Talk to you tomorrow. 

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