Friday, February 26, 2021

It's definitely a two Mountain Dew day. It's been surprisingly busy at work. Wait, it shouldn't be a surprise. But it was surprising to me because I wasn't paying attention. Perhaps the routine I have works too well. Soon I won't need to think at all. Even my surprise will be scheduled.

Perhaps it's time to dig. 

What else has been on my mind? Oh, an anti-climactic dream. Escaping a twisted maze of horrors, and then simply bursting out from the exit. I was expecting it to be a proper nightmare, and I would be trapped endlessly. Then it just lets me out. To go about my business.

You need to step up your game, subconscious. 

Then again, it was recently the anniversary of my brother's death. It's not utterly crushing anymore. Perhaps the dream meant it's still there, but now I can go in and out as I choose.

That's a dumb meaning. 

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