Monday, October 23, 2017

Feeling a little distant. Observational? Sleep more, or maybe start drinking coffee again. Ooh, tea. Split the difference!

Probably just the internal struggle of curbing impulse buys. Can't keep running around pretending I need things. I do need to get my suit dry-cleaned. I'll do that today. Also gas. Maybe a blood-pressure cuff. That's it.

Halloween costume? Piece something together out of the bits I have. Uninspired.

After all this time I should have learned not to rely solely on chemical reactions.

A shroud, like the lead vest that's placed over you before you get an X-ray at the dentist.

On Sunday morning I went over to my mom's to get breakfast. I had slept in until noon on Saturday and felt lousy the rest of the day. At 8 am I sauntered over and grabbed some food. My niece was there, Genevieve, and we played for a bit. She found a pad of paper, and we drew imaginary pictures on the pages. We had no drawing tools at the moment, but she didn't let that stop her. I drew a whale with a top hat. I don't know what she drew.

My mom wondered aloud if my niece knew that she loved her. I told her I think so, yes.

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