Wednesday, February 16, 2005

At last, Kenya is getting the praise and recognition it deserves.

I think parts of my brain that have been lying dormant are beginning to awaken. It's painful. Similar to when an arm or leg "falls asleep." Millions of miniscule pins and tiny needles jabbing furiously at a cellular level.

Like that 'cept in my brain.

Good thing I wasn't driving.

Tomorrow, Brian, Kiki, and I are going to listen Crispin Tickle. His name sounds like a band but he's actually some kind of world-renowned environmental biologist. I've been toying with the idea of changing my major from the cut-throat world of linguistics to the tea-and-crumpets world of bio-ethics. I figure hey, I like biology. I like to argue. I really like the idea of cloning the Tasmanian tiger. Who wouldn't want one of these cuddly critters?

Allegedly, Tasmanian tigers were very shy and surprisingly timid. They didn't even struggle when they were captured. In fact, they kinda remind me of myself: Big mouth....sorta striped around the hindquarters there...last seen around 1986...the list goes on.

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