Thursday, June 17, 2004

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...

I hope you've said everything you've ever wanted to say to me.

If not, you may have missed your chance. Tomorrow, I am going to Las Vegas. Jake and I went once when we were in middle school and we managed to get into all sorts of trouble. Now, I am of legal gambling and drinking age. I wonder what manner of mischief I can get into now?

I'm a little nervous. A city with no "last call"?

And Guillermo was never seen again...

There is a little game that is played around the blog-o-sphere. I haven't played it myself, but since I'm going to be gone for the entire weekend I figure I'll have nothing to lose.

If you wish to play, the rules are simple. Especially for me; I don't really have to do anything.

Click on the comment link. Write any thing that you think I should know. Traditionally, I would ask what you "really" think of me. However, I've always thought that implied that everything else you've told me wasn't entirely true.

Unless of course it wasn't entirely true, in which case you can tell me what you really think of me. I would think there is at least one good thing and one bad thing you could say about me if you thought about it for a bit.

The final rule is that you must post anonymously.

I must also point out that these rules are really more sorta loose guidelines.

So, thank you. I'm feeling very introspective right now and I think your input would be useful.

But, to be completely honest, I have no idea why I'm asking this.

Um, Vegas baby!

* * * *

Oh, wait. I need to have at least one funny thing per post to appease Meg. Hmm...

Sorry Meg.


Someone pointed out that I have a statcounter. So yes, I do have the capability to track IP addresses. However, you have my word that I will not.

This will be an easy promise to keep because I don't know how; I've never done it. I have no desire to do so. The only reason I would use it would be if I were concerned with the safety of myself or others.

Besides, knowing an IP address isn't completely reliable. I know that all five of us kids use the family computer at some point throughout the day.

So if you ever get an anonymous post from my IP address, you have a one in five chance of correctly guessing which Lopez left it. Unless it has the word "dude" in it, in which case it was probably Luis.

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