Saturday, April 03, 2004

Ditched school. Ditched work.

Instead, Joey, David, Brian Y, Josh H, and I drove down to the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Pounding rain. Clinging fog. Large trucks. Kill Bill soundtrack.

Saw some art. Went to Bookman's. Purchased Stephen King's On Writing.

Went to a party thrown by Chiara Caballero, the publisher of Ornithopter. Met Josh's art professor and a slew of other artists and writers. An older crowd, but very fun people.

Food. Lots of food. Four slices of chocolate cake. Stomach cramps from excessive sugar.

So worth it.

Calm weather on the drive home. Stayed at Brian's long enough to watch Cartoon Network's Animated Clone Wars. Said goodbyes.

Drove home. Checked phone messages on way. Co-worker had called to see why I wasn't at work and if I was "okay." Too late to call back anyone.

Checked e-mail. Checked blog roll. Now blogging.

Weary. Naseous.

But okay. Definitely okay.

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