Sunday, March 28, 2004

Athens, Ho!

Luis and I are in training for a new Olympic Event. Er, I mean, we're training for what is almost certain to be an Olympic event once the Olympic committee loosens up a little.

The event shall be: Entertaining Strangers In Line At The Electronics Store.

We started off with a warm-up at the office furniture section in Fry's Electronics. The computer desk that I wanted was also the only one on display without a price tag on it.

There were plenty of sales associates milling about, but they all seemed busy helping other consumers. Luis and I stood on the display platform by the desk and raised both of our arms up to the heavens to attract the attention of the gods, in hope that they would see fit to send us a sales associate.

We stood like that for quite a while. We got plenty of odd looks from the other customers. We got even more when Luis tried to play the pity card and started yelling, "Help, we have no parents! We're orphans!"

A brilliant ploy, but ultimately unsuccessful.

Our arms got tired and we just went over to a sales guy and asked him where to find someone who would help us.

We eventually got our computer desk.

Properly stretched, we made our way to the main event. The line was long. We were soon surrounded front and back by people were standing around listlessly.

Luis and I scanned the rows of impulse-buy candy. After I noticed how several old favorites were offering their candy bars with white chocolate, I commented on how affirmative action seemed to be sweeping the candy aisle.

No response.

I sulked for a second. I was proud of my joke. But you lean as much about your audience by the jokes they don't laugh at as the ones they do.

Luis got us back on track. "Are you going to get me a horse for my birthday or what?"

"Have you seen The Godfather? It's going to be kinda like that."

"Shut up!" Luis said in disbelief.

Someone behind me snorted. Encouraged, I went on. "Yeah, I found a place that will let me buy the horse in installments. Every month when they receive a payment, they'll send us another part of the horse."

The couple behind us laughed. It was a least a 6.

Not too great, but I'm sure we'll place higher than Russia.

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