Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Welcome the newest Lopez to the blogging community.

That would be Luis Lopez, my little brother. I came home from work to find him typing diligently at the computer. He said that he had taken my advice and was writing his story.

I helped him edit what he had written and then told him to go to bed and in the morning he would have a shiny new blog waiting for him.

I also threw in an e-mail address:

You know, in case he decides to take requests. You never know. Myself, I am very curious to see what the littlest Lopez has to offer.

I'll just be happy if he writes more and spends less time watching tv. Except for Aurthur, of course. That's a great show.

* * * * * *

I am happy right now because for the first time ever I checked my own e-mail and I had six beautiful, relevant messages in a row. The congo line of communication was unbroken by even a single spam e-mail. I've been bombarded by those lately, even with the spam guard.

The amazing thing was that I actually got to use the little "Next" button. I can't remember when I used it last because there was always spam in the way.

Spam. I almost remember when that was used to refer to the food. I've only even seen one person actually eat it in the past two years.

Could it be running out?

Maybe there is a shortage on spigs.

And I'm going to bed now.

Oh, Hi Jamie! Hi Emily!

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