Wednesday, November 19, 2003

In the history of my blog, I have only ever deleted one published post. My method of dealing with a post I found unsatisfactory was to hurry up and post something new, something better.

It is a very motivating method for me. At least, it used to be. Reading Trevor's blog about losing motivation got me thinking. I think that the mind is very comparable to the body. It can be trained, honed, designed for a specific purpose. I can train for speed, strength, stamina, agility. (I'd probably emphasize all but speed, since I've never been a very fast person.)

Minds can break like bones, blister like burns.

But, much more commonly, a mind will grow fat. Gleaming white streaks will begin to snake across and among the gray matter, disturbingly reminiscent of a cheap cut of bacon. There should be ways to prevent this.

Maybe I should just run some more.

Or think before I write.


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