Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Bun-Bun isn't feeling well. The medication for her condition usually makes her more hungry, except for the occasional waves of nausea, during which she refuses to eat anything. 

It's pretty rare these days. Still, it troubles me. This dog loves food as much as I do, so I know she's gotta be feeling pretty crummy to not even eat treats. I did get her to eat a little peanut butter. 

I also gave her some Pepto Bismol (the secret ingredient is bismuth, atomic number 83, a post-transition metal! It's also got some hydrogen-oxygen-carbon slapped on there, but we all know who the star is.)

Holy hell it's late. I moved a bunch of stuff today. Helped some people. Helped my mom with her speech, and I wished her a happy birthday. 

I am ready for bed. 

Maybe I'll dream of my loved ones. 

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