Monday, July 15, 2024


And I'm running around like I'm the main character. Staying up too late every night. Training and planning and eating right. Duat storms batter the city and every morning I wake to a world coated in a fine orange grit. 

And I try to remember who stole our nights away.

I'm stronger now, and better, arguably, in many ways. It probably won't ever be enough. It's the nature of things. 

I don't want another. 

A cool breeze, a warm shadow, and the memory of you.  

The sky is red, and I'm running around like I'm the main character. 

This story where I lose everything. And I'm okay. Because maybe nothing ever ends. I can keep going. Stubbornness, spite, and genuine curiosity. I am dead set. 

Because you're even better than I remember.

And I've stayed up too late again. 

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