Friday, June 18, 2021

There's a new weight-loss drug (well, a drug that is now approved in such a way that it can help weight loss) that helps curb your appetite. Fascinating stuff. Why, soon we may never need to feel hungry again, even when we are starving. 

I'm not against it. Biology is complicated and the human body has a hilarious sense of humor. Like how burning fat and getting healthy will make most people crave more and less-healthy food. And how the body can lock up fat and just never ever let it go. 

This drug is probably going to be very expensive also. 

But I'm not here to talk about drugs and weight loss. I'm here to talk about my profound struggle for meaning in a system that views me as a commodity. Are my very emotions part of this? All my desires, yearnings, dreams, hopes, romance, adventure, being cultivated by a culture that needs me to keep buying things without realizing there is no hope at all?

Jokes on them. No hope is when I have all the hope. Because of my depression, I think. 

I'm happy growing my bamboo. That's a good thing. 

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