Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Things that annoy me/Things I consider bad in Horror Movies and movies in general

1. The forgotten wound. When a character gets an injury and proceeds completely or mostly unhindered. There's an argument that can be made for extreme wounds that might temporarily not feel as severe at first, or obtained during a moment of high stress. Even in that case, the pain itself would not be the only problem. The ability to fully use your limbs when you've been stabbed by something should not be the same as it was pre-stabbing. It's an even bigger issue with main characters because if otherwise the story is good and I'm feeling empathy or just invested in the character, I'm more aware of their injuries. 

2. The forgotten weapon. Usual example is the scene in which the hero fights back against the armed villain or goons. I'm so tired of seeing a character with a gun get knocked out, and then the hero does not immediately take the gun. Usually they run or go attack someone else. Then the person we're not watching gets the gun back, and that's that. If the characters in a movie are American, I assure you they would be going for the gun. 

3. The forgotten threat/antagonist. Similar to the forgotten weapon. The hero will push over/knock out the villain and then go to rescue their friend without eliminating the threat of the villain. Then of course the villain comes back to attack them in the middle of their rescue. Who could have seen it coming? Um, anyone who has been in a fight, seen a fight, or known people who have thought about fighting. 

Yes, people do stupid stuff when they panic, and make bad decisions while in crazy situations. Even regular situations. Like me making this list that will change nothing.

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