Monday, December 21, 2020

There's a writer I've just come across, Thomas Ligotti. He does Lovecraft-esque stuff, in his own way. I'm enjoying what I've read so far. I think of the corporate working world as a sort of Lovecraftian nightmare. My day starts trying to do a thing, but usually before I'm halfway through some other dreary horror rises from the depths of email to demand to be dealt with. It's good training.

Yes, the Lovecraftian horror of being mildly annoyed all day while still being relatively comfortable. I can even control the air conditioning.

My medical professional friends are getting their vaccines for Covid now. First step in the slow trickle of remedy. This comes to mind because perhaps I will have office mates again. How long has it been? I don't remember. Me, alone, with the buzzing of the overhead lights. Jokes on you, corporate nightmare, I don't mind being alone. Nothing will change, really. I still dress and act as if other people are in the office. Mostly. I guess sometimes I do listen to music not through my headphones. 

Well, it will likely still be months before behavioral patterns reestablish themselves. If they ever do, now that people know what is possible. 

Work from home, learn from home, love from home. 

Play recorded sounds of buzzing overhead lights from home. 

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