Thursday, December 17, 2020

Don't know what to get my Mom for Christmas. She'll be happy with anything; which makes it worse. I loathe my inclination to get her "mom" stuff. Tupperware! Baking stuff! An extra-thick leather butt-whooping belt! Ha, yeah right. My mom would have to hit me with a car to do any damage these days. She just doesn't have that old child-smacking strength that comes from raising five kids. Hmm...unless she went for the eyes. 

I sent her a text message asking her what she would like. We talked on the phone last night and she scolded me for acting like a stranger. I told her that people are dying all over the place so I'm not going to come over until she gets vaccinated. She went on about mouthwash and a good diet curing Covid and I yelled that this is no time for magical thinking and to stay away from people. We never change the other's mind with our yelling but maybe it will work, this time.

Maybe I am taking things too literally these days.

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