Thursday, January 18, 2018

Much of my time has been spent tinkering with the house. Putting up curtain rods, lights, moving things around. It's coming together pretty well. Somewhat incongruous thematically, aside from a clear striving for budget decadence. It's fun.

I may need a few more tools.

My appetite is still severely diminished. I've been walking a little, about an hour. My nose is still tender and my throat still hurts when I swallow. Or when I stretch my mouth really wide.

I bore myself. As a subject. There are so many other things I could be discussing. Like writing a song parody of "Kiss The Girl" from "The Little Mermaid" about consent. She can't talk, after all, and she doesn't even know how to use a fork. There are questions.

Back to thinking about myself again. The way I mathed it out, I need to save about $670,000 dollars to live comfortably off the interest alone. I'm currently at 22,000. Only 648 grand to go.


Maybe I should just half the amount to 324 grand, then get a part-time job until I die. Perfect.

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