Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Yesterday I was here, staring at the laptop. Didn't write anything. Why not? Questioning habits, maybe.

Time is the river, not the canyon.

Christmas is troubling me. Previous success at avoiding unnecessary purchases is now faced with the kraken of consumer enticement.  Its arms...are everywhere.

Maybe books. Books for all.


Did I sleep well, I wonder? I felt I didn't Sunday night. Part of that may have contributed to my sullenness. That bell curve of despair, before it drops down and becomes reckless abandon.

I don't believe that the limits in our lives are the ones we impose on ourselves. I also don't believe there's anything wrong with believing in that when trying to achieve something. It's only harmful when one encounters failure. Limits are imposed on us, and we need to know them.

And to know which ones to forget.

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