Friday, December 22, 2017

Watching a child I cared for take care of another child is illuminating. Part of me feels like I did a good job training them, and part of me understands that they may be succeeding despite my own failures in trying to train them. Grandparents must be in constant existential crisis.

My friend Josh Crohn surmised that's why grandparents give so much toys and sweets. I think it could also be that it's so much easier to make little children happy. Making adult children happy is a lost cause.

I do a little soft-shoe shuffle for my nieces and they think it's hilarious. Or I pretend to be asleep, and they scream and I startle awake. They love it.

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I walked faster yesterday. 3 mph at an incline of 12%. I need new shoes already. Wearing out quick these days.

It might actually be worth it to go to a specialty runner shoe place and get fitted. Must protect feet.

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