Thursday, April 13, 2006

A documentary has been circulating that discusses the possibility of questionable United States government involvement in the attacks on the World Trade Center. The film also discusses discrepancies in eye-witness reports and those implications.

It can be found here.

Watching it has concerned enough of my friends that I thought I'd put up a link to this
Popular Mechanics article.

When watching any sort of anything that makes claims about things (usually involving a person), it is important to ask:

Is the person speaking an expert? If so, are they an expert in the area they are discussing?

Are their sources primary sources (i.e., "I ate the pie.") or secondary sources (i.e., "I was close by when he eat the pie.") Be very wary of anyone that cites news sources as primary sources. Also, news anchors doing commentary are not necessarily experts. Keep in mind that their job is to keep talking, and in the cases of some news programs with very little information, to speculate.

I read the Popular Mechanics report before I watched the film. I would suggest to anyone that hadn't seen the film that reading the article should be sufficient.

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