Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Classes are in full swing and I feel very good about them so far.

Antics since the time of the last post include:

1. Accidentally sneaking into my little brother Luis's wrestling meet and saving 3 dollars. (It really was an accident; I can't help it if some people are intimidiated by dark-skinned people with shaved heads and satchels.)

2. While working at the pet store this weekend, it was my job to transfer the bunnies from the back room to the front of the store. This was fairly easy; I just picked up bunnies and put them in a pen I had prepared. I was carrying the last bunny when I passed by the dog toy aisle. I grabbed a toy stuffed bunny that was white like the bunny I was carrying. As I approached the front counter I shouted to my supervisor "Hey Amy! Catch the bunny!" and I flung the toy bunny in a high arc towards her. She managed to catch it. Fair play to her. After she got over the initial shock of me hurling what she though were live animals, she found it pretty amusing. I'm just glad I didn't mix up the toy bunny and the real bunny.

3. I am in the process of trying to get new contact lenses. I've been wearing this two-week pair for about...3 months? They've withstood the test of time and I have yet to get any weird eye diseases, but I think it's time for new ones. The problem is that my prescription is only good for a year and I can't order more contacts without paying for a new eye exam. My prescriptions haven't changed in the past four years, so I tried to go through a website to order contacts. The website wanted a confirmation of my prescription, so I got a copy of my last prescription, forged them very poorly, and faxed it in. I just received an email saying my lenses are on their way.

That's about it for antics, I think. But the year is young.

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