Friday, March 19, 2004

Have everyone else's schedules been shot to hell by Spring Break?

I know mine has.

Except for the not doing homework. That is still going as strongly as it ever has.

Donaldo leaves tomorrow morning. It was fun having him here. It's odd to think that his three year stint will be up in a few months and he'll be home for good. I wonder what will happen then.

There hasn't been much break for me this week. I've been working more, and just today I worked from 9-2 with Nunemacher at a local theatre company doing some old-school tech stuff. It was fun, and I hadn't realized how frikkin' well it pays. The downside is that the work has odd hours. At least, some people might consider that a downside.

My back hurts, though. I think I did it the other night lifting a passed-out Donaldo out of the bathroom and into his bed. Or during a volleyball game with my co-workers. Or maybe all that sort of hurt it and today's hauling around massive wooden structures was the straw that broke the camel's back.

After work at the theater ended at two, I had to be at my regular job at three. I got off at 8:30, came home, ate dinner, and went out with Donaldo, Jay, and Boston. We didn't do anything too crazy since we were all tired and both Jay and I are pretty sick.

I've been sick at least once every month since January. I'm starting to think that I must have destroyed my immune system a long time ago, and the only thing that was keeping the bacteria and viruses in check was my elevated blood alcohol level.

Irony abounds.

I'm exhausted right now, but hey, it happens. I feel pretty good, I'd say. All the work will pay off soon, and I will buy my shiny new loft bed, a computer desk, and a high-speed internet connection.

Then I'll be able to do some serious surfing/sleeping.

Speaking of sleeping, I have to see Donaldo off at 7 or so, then help my mom with the progress reports at her school. If I bust my ass I should be able to finish in time to catch a nap before work at 4.

Good night.

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