Monday, September 15, 2003

Earlier this evening, in the Royal Scrivening Room:

I: Any mail, today, Snydesdayle?

Snydesdayle: There is, Gurg. A check has arrived from my beloved Island Nation of Dana.

I: A check, you say? Whatever for?

Snydesdayle: The memo says, "For Peace Between Our Nations."

I: Hmm... peace between our...oh, that would be the Jack Daniel's Cranberry Lemonade.

Snydesdayle: I'm afraid I don't understand, sir.

I: It's, um, our newest chief export to the Island Nation of Dana. It should do wonders for our struggling economy.

Snydesdayle: Speaking of our current financial woes, Gurg, how do you fare at your new place of employ?

Bumbly: He could tell ya, but then, he'd have to kill himself!

I: Oh, hullo Quibbles. I was wondering what you were about.

Bumbly: I'm not about a whole lot right now, Gurgy ol' boy. There hasn't been much to do around here since we finished that interview. Even Snydie doesn't hang about anymore. I'm starting to think he doesn't like me!

I: Very well, I will see what I can do putting those devil's workshops you call hands to work. Stand back now, I'll have to use my most regal voice.

Snidesdayle: Regal, sir? But you are not of the royal family.

I: And I never will be without a little support from my Head Scriveners! But perhaps you have a point, Dryly. Instead of merely harnessing my powerful voice and commanding the citizens of the Nation-State of Guillermo, I shall resort to more diplomatic means. Send word to all the citizens that that they shall think up more interview questions for me and present them, forthwith!

Snidesdayle: All the citizens, Gurg?

I: Yes, Dryly, every last one of them.

Bumbly: That shouldn't take too long, there's only the three of us, right?

I: What nonsense are you spewing, Quibbles?

Bumbly: Well, we're the only people mentioned, and Dryly doesn't really count since he's from the Island Nation of Dana. You did mention a royal family, and from what I've seen all the stuff around here is named "The Royal Something-or-Other," so yeah, there may be a king or queen around, but it's not really clear. Oh, I get it! You just royally screwed up, eh? LOL! That'll come back to haunt you when you have to explain what kind of government you have, eh?

I: I...I...

Snidesdayle: That is nothing that need be worried over at the moment, sir. Fear not, for we shall fulfill your request, Official Gurg of the Nation-State of Guillermo. I shall set to work querying the citizens immediately.

I: Er, thank you, Dryly. Quibbles!

Bumbly: I'm still right here, man.

I: Do not just stand there, assist him!

Bumbly: Sure, sure. But isn't this whole thing a bit pointless?

I: Quibbles, I am almost afraid to ask what you mean.

Bumbly: Well, it's just pretty long-winded, is all. Couldn't you have just put up a post that said "Any questions?" and then bothered us with it once you had enough on your little "comments" thing?

I: Quibbles, for someone who I pay to make things so that people can understand them, I swear I have no idea what you're talking about sometimes.

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