Saturday, June 21, 2003

Wow...what was that? I guess I'll stand by not erasing or editing it. But I didn't say anything about adding commentary. I seriously could not type...the ol' drunk and peck wasn't working out for me. I vaguely remember what was going through my head as I wrote, so I'll walk you through it as best as I can. I was also having a conversation with Jake while I was typing, so that may account for the sporadic topics.

It is remarlkab;le to be in such a position...
Best Lead-in Ever!

SO much to say, so little dexterity.
It took me three tries to type that.

tonigh waw svery enjpyable. It was a fitting end to everything. No ending is ever perfect, buy I had a chance for a pretty good one and I chose to take it. Check up on me on July 21st. Or do not, I can't honestly tell you if I care. The following days will hurt. And I will regret choosing such pain. But I am not a stranger in a strange land.
This is in reference to a pact I made with Dan Roche to work out old-school for the next thirty days. And it includes altering my diet as well. No more Riva's burritos. Oh, the pain.

The past few days have been poignantly stirring. I have been caught in a fluury of development of relationships.
I must be lying here. Maybe not about things being stirring, but I can hardly describe anything in my life as a "flurry."

Go team blue!

Donovan is the only person in the world who will get that.
We were both wearing blue shirts at the party.

But I do not mean to alienate all others. I feel like a surfer, paddling furiously against that monster wave that inevitably will come
I had been talking about Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure earlier today with my sister and here I am pretending to be a slightly more articulate Keanu Reeves.

I'm riding it now, though. Gone are the arbitrary measures of my worth. Gone is the excess that I so willingly drown myself in.

I hope that I am lost completely. Now the conditions are such that the chaff cannot rise, only the wheat.
I don't know, maybe I wanted a sandwich or something.

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.
I'm not sure here either but I do remember stubbing the bloody hell out of my left pinky toe.

The most important literary moment I can recall is oddly Interview With The Vampire. The part where it is understood. You are dying. You are dying, and you will reawaken. Ha, romantic indeed.
I think I am actually getting drunker somehow

Bouncing arojnd are we? Bounce with me, then.
Now I'm sure of it.

I am a Batman fan. Really, have a tattoo on my shoulder.

But the unspoken part nhas always been the villains. My favorite villain?

Two Face.

Why? Because he is a man with the same capabilities., all tha changed was his methods. He chose to fall victim in order to get what he wanted. He sacrificed himself, really.
I had a conversation last night about Batman villains. It must have had quite an impact on me.

I'm not about sacrifice.
Well, I'm not.

But pain, I know well.
I must be talking about my toe again.

Enjoy this drunken post, it will be the last in a while. People have died of depriving themselves alcohol. But let us see.
Fun Fact! Yes, people have actually died from withdrawal when quitting drinking.

Let us see what I do.
Yes, let's.

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