Thursday, February 13, 2025

Open and start typing. If you can begin, you can persist. I'm not sure that's exactly true, but I like the way it sounds. It feels right when you say it. We don't need to worry about how our minds are recursive, not yet. It's a green plastic watering can, with a few holes at the bottom, so when we walk to and from the flowers, we water the path a little, too. Surprising things might grow. 

It's either a great time to be reflective or a terrible time. I haven't decided yet. I think it's great, just more difficult. Our brains have a way of picking out and holding on to the information we like, that supports that we believe to be true, and then discarding the data that we don't like. 

I don't think I'm immune to this either. Knowing it's a thing isn't enough to stop it. I know I do tend to seem argumentative because when I hear something proclaimed as True, I want to test it, probe it, find the boundaries, extend the logic as far as it goes, like forging a silver thread, to see if it holds, or if it breaks. 

I'm real fun at parties. 

If you can begin, you can persist. 

If you're a watering can, you can exist. 

Well that doesn't sound right at all. 

There may be a moment, or many moments, a big old bunch of blobs of moments all stuck together like old boba tea, when it feels like...a mess. 

You can love the mess. It's allowed. 

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