Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Hidden Constellations

The stars will move for you, if you can convince them. They like little gestures, and consistency. They've had their fill of heroes and odysseys; it is so easy for humans to set some noble goal and think of nothing but attaining it. It's charming, in a way, but it no longer moves them. 

A constellation is a name we give them based on our own perspective. They are not their true names, although some come surprisingly close. 

What does move them now are acts of kindness, over time. The heroes of old proclaimed to all what they hoped to do, and the stars had believed them, millenia ago. 

Today, tonight, every day, every night, they watch us still and look for other signs. Gentle words, kind acts, sparks of warmth between the creatures that spend half their lives in the dark. 

Only sparks, not fires. Fire consumes; what the stars do is fusion. They look for that; consistency, connections.  

Keep doing that, and they will move for you too. 


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