Thursday, April 15, 2021

I dreamed of doggos. The sky weighs heavy on the sun; it rises each day only to be pushed down again. And it rises again.

Physically shaking my head to clear out all the news articles I've been reading. So many power struggles. So many people so sure of themselves. 

Maybe it's a game to some. Although to them I would say, there are actual games you can play if you like conflict. Many video-electric games too. Lots of fighting in those.

Travel. Travel? Yes. Look into that. Oh, and clicker training for the hounds. Might be time to learn that. Maybe I'll do the dolphin thing. Have a little target on a stick. Touch the nose to the target, get a treat. Chain behaviors. Have them jumping through hoops and doing back flips in no time.

Failing that, as long as they come inside from the yard when I call them, I'll be content. They can still give me exasperated looks, as they do now whenever I call them in. I'm here to train, not suppress their instincts.

My google photos sent me a reminder picture from January and dang, I did lose weight. Gotta keep moving, because Cheebus knows I ain't gonna stop eating.

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