Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Do I even have writing advice? Sometimes I talk about stories and how they work and I think I have no idea what I'm talking about.  What are all these imaginary rules? How does this all work together? I remember Joseph Campbell's work and how he went through all the stories ever told and found patterns in the mythic tales. Then are storytellers trapped in that? I'm no master of stories over here, so I certainly don't feel constrained by the art form. 

And now I spend my time not writing much at all. I haven't read too much lately either. Must get back in the habit. I do listen to audiobooks but it's not the same process. Something different happens in my brain when I'm reading as opposed to listening. It's probably because I read so much faster than most audiobooks are. Oh, I could speed them up. Or I could create a market for it. Audiobooks Read Hella Fast. Not sped up and level-corrected, because that would still sound strange to the ear. Maybe I'll try my hand at reading Moby Dick hella fast and see how it goes. Or maybe just kinda fast. 

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