Today, I did not want to sit and write. Same as I don't always want to exercise. I have to remind myself that it's more painful not to do the thing and then try to start later instead of just harnessing that momentum that's already built up.
That and reading. Gotta keep reading. Gonna try to read one Chapter of Moby Dick every night. Along with another book. Gotta wean myself off the cell phone at night.
This topic popped up for me because a YouTube video in my subscription feed popped up discussing the topic. I didn't watch much of the actual video, but it's on my mind now.
I remember having some idea of building a writing workshop that was a legit office building with cubicles and stuff. People would have a set schedule, have to dress biz-caz, and turn in stuff. I'd use various business metrics and strategies that are usually used to generate profit and use it to generate words. Not just focused on the end product of a novel or a script. Some assignments would be to do character creation, or write a scenario for an already-created character to be placed in.
Oh and an experimental writing room. Thrown in to a room with only certain tech with which to create and see what happens. Basic, like a paintbrush and you have to write on the walls, and future stuff like a VR headset and you have to go and catch words that fly by before you can use them.
But first I'll need to hire a business-funding proposal writer. Now's really a good time because everyone is already working from home, and the conceit of the writing workshop is that you would have to keep one foot in the dreary world of corporate nonsense to mimic the environment that many great authors created in.
Plus there's the bonus of not being able to self-destruct as easily when you still have to show up for work everyday. There will be lots of counseling available and substance-abuse programs, maybe even basic life skills workshops.
And some light manual labor. Field trips, I'll call them.
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