Friday, January 29, 2021

Sometimes I feel like things can't go on this way. Mostly when my knee aches. I've been lifting weights and exercising, but I think it's time to admit that I have to somewhat maybe consider putting some thought into my food intake. Instead of eating all things indiscriminately. Time is the issue. I want more time in a day to do the things I tell myself I would do if I had the free time. Will I do them is of course another question but I'd at least like the option.

The problem with abandoning madness is that it's quite useful. All my brain training doesn't mean I don't feel as impulsive as ever. The training serves as an interrupt when those impulses occur. The challenge becomes not using this technique on everything, including what I want to do. If a person were dieting, for example. Suppose a person had the ability to turn hunger off completely. Hardly an ideal solution, because if they got too caught up in other things they might suddenly pass out or something. 

What if I'm not myself unless I'm following my impulses? Without them I'd just settle into this common denominator of personhood. Grr. It's not a bad thing; but it rather bores me. 

I'll think a little more on it. No need to be hasty. 

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