Tuesday, December 01, 2020

 Wore my big black coat this morning. Didn't really need to; but I wanted to. Why suffer mild discomfort for the 6 steps from my door to my car, and then the 8 steps from my car to my office door.

I don't hate snow, I realize. I just hate stuff getting in my way.

Being cold is also okay; just not at work because my fingers get cold and I type even worse than I normally do. 

I should wash the puppies today. Will they immediately go out and roll around in the dirt? Yes. But they'll be clean for a moment. 

The walls in my office are thin. In addition to smelling the delicious breakfast cooking in the cafe next door every morning, I can hear muffled conversations from the office on my other side. Sometimes singing.

It's fine, really. Mainly the only distraction in here is me.

And the breathing of charlatan shadows. (This doesn't mean anything; I'm putting words together to listen to the sounds. I wonder how I would write if I were born deaf? Alliteration and all that might not mean much. Languages like Chinese might have the advantage, with their "logographics" (I looked that up just now).)

I created a user name called "DustDriftsUpward" because I liked the sound of it. And I imagined that playing online people might call me Dust. Nobody does, because I rarely use that account, and I almost never talk when I play multiplayer. The other players see a little speaker icon next to my name and know that I can talk, if I wanted to. Then again, they don't really know if I can talk. Maybe I was born deaf but I have some sci-fi headset that sits on my entire head like a spiderweb and vibrates to indicate sounds. Like if someone was sneaking up behind me it would vibrate their steps softly and then louder as they got close.

Inventing a device like that wouldn't be too hard; probably already exists. Probably the hard part would be programming the software so the head-net knows how to translate each types of sound. And maybe getting everyone to shave their heads. 

I'll get the team working on it. What team? Note to self: get a team to so I can develop inventions.

Could probably make something like a sonar blind people too. They could ping ultra-high frequency sounds for the headset to pick up. I pity the poor fool with sensitive hearing who thinks they're going mad. 

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