Wednesday, April 09, 2008

How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

Emily Dickinson, "A Book"

I spent a summer with you; should I want anything else?

My days living in this house are dwindling quickly. We have not renewed our lease and I will be homeless on the first of May. Well, not homeless. I'll be staying at my parent's house in the guest room like I have been doing during the week until I run off to Iceland.

I've enjoyed living here but I am quite ready to move on. Although my parent's house is not exactly moving on so much as moving back, but it's in line with my goal. Besides, I love my family. Well, Luis can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and my mother and I have different child-rearing philosophies, but that's the extent of the conflict. Heh, I win every argument with her by pointing out that she raised me and look how I turned out.

Perhaps I'm not exactly "winning" the argument but it certainly ends it.

I hate having so much stuff. I've gotten rid of much of it. Want to keep minimal clothing. Minimal footwear. Trying to get away with no furniture. I have a lotta books.

Lotta books.

It's odd not having...things. Possessions provide reference points to the rest of life. I suspect that shouldn't be the case. My ideal goal is naked and fearless, but there are social mores and heating issues to consider. Perhaps a loincloth of some kind?

I don't know why I'm talking about this.

There is much to muse about but when in doubt, loincloths I say, loincloths.

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