Friday, May 18, 2007

I would like a wandering albatross tattoo. I'd get it on my upper chest, hanging head down, wings spread out below my clavicles. It would make me happy, I think.

I'm not remembering much right now. Today was a good day; I enjoyed it. It's only at this moment, now, that I'm inclined to recall a melancholy that didn't exist while the sun was up.

Blogger has a new autosave feature. It saves about once a minute. I'm glad of it. I've lost a few posts to electron-related happenstance and it would be appropriate to celebrate such precautions.

It's only now, at this moment, that the blue button flashes grey and reminds me that a minute has passed and I've written nothing. Another flash, another minute of nothing. Another flash, another reminder, another chiding, another nag, another flutter of discontent. Another goading. It heaps me.

I'm sure I'll get over it.



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