Friday, September 17, 2004

"He looked up from his work to find that he was the only one in the office wearing pants.  Cursing his forgetfulness, he unbuckled his belt and kicked himself free of his denim constraints.  Pants-Down Fridays seemed to be arriving sooner every week.  He made a mental note to finish putting on the rhinestone lettering on his underwear.  At the moment, it read 'Pants-Do.'  People around the office recognized the beginning of their favorite phrase, but the rest of the world remained largely ignorant.  Soon, he thought, I'll finish these underwear and the world will know."

Jaden is in San Francisco today so all of us are going to have to pick up the slack.  Remember, only you can not wear pants on Fridays.  

And on this particular Friday, I'm not wearing pants for two.

With great power comes great responsibility.

*    *    *    *    *

I've decided to enter this writing contest.  I haven't submitted anything I've written to anything more prestigious than my high-school literary magazine, and nothing else since.  I'd appreciate suggestions.  If there is anything anyone may have read that stands out enough to be quasi-publishable, I'd appreciate the help.

Also, if there is anything that should never again see the light of day, just finish this sentence and turn it in at the end of the day:  "For the love of Cheebus, don't even think about sending in that ____  about  ____!"

Here's an example:  "For the love of Cheebus, don't even think about sending in that POEM about NOT BEING UNDERSTOOD!"

See, it's easy.  And fun!    

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