Wednesday, April 14, 2004


From an e-mail I just sent:

Dear Shannon,

I think that yes, a Catholic family would weigh more than the average family. But that could be because there are usually 12 children.

Heh, the Catholics are all about abstaining...but not forever. When the end of Lent draws nigh, pigs and cows all over the world shiver in fear.

God bless those Pagans for introducing fertility symbols and aphrodisiacs into the celebration of Jesus' resurrection.


I think the Cadbury's Creme Egg alone is responsible for converting the majority of heathens to Christianity. Those eggs are like religious crack. "I'll believe whatever you want, just give me another Creme egg!!!"

From Army of Darkness:

"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."

From a play called Art (for my duo-acting scene):

"Yvan's a very tolerant bloke which, mind you, in a relationship, is sometimes the very worst thing you can be."

The Rest Of That Quiz

Heck yeah. If I had hair, it would totally look like that.

Tuesday Terror

Yes, I know it's Wednesday. I just can't think of a fear-inducing alliteration for today.

The Bunny Exorcist

Even scarier than the movie.

Wait, I mean even shorter than the movie.

Grab a few kernels of popcorn and enjoy. You probably won't have time to eat a whole bag of popcorn. Unless of course you are one of the elite few that own a "popcorn bong." The parts can be found at your local hardware store, and they work pretty well provided the popcorn is heavily buttered.

Good night.

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